THE LOST City of Gold


In the early 16th century, an ancient kingdom named Inca located in the centre of Peru, South America. According to the legends of Spanish navigators, there were many lost cities of gold in the Andes of the Inca. The most famous of which was the imperial capital called Manoa. Gold was a very sacred being to the Incas, it’s a product of beauty and greatness; gold was not only a symbol of glory, but also a must for praising the gods. The Great Inca was a very powerful kingdom at the time, in which all their palaces and temples in the capital were built with gold and silver. It’s also rumored that there were piles of treasures buried in the city. Due to 9 golden tablets which were blessed by the gods, the kingdom gained their prosperity for ages. This mysterious treasure was stored in Manoa City. It’s said that any country or kingdom that gets the golden tablets will become rich and powerful overnight. However, the Great Inca eventually suffered in wars because of this wealth, leading to its demise. The Golden City was also lost with the kingdom.

No one has ever actually witnessed the true colors of Manoa City. The treasure of the golden tablets has always been a story that only exists in legends. 

You’ve been obsessed with studying the civilization of ancient Inca,  and you always believed that the golden treasure that could change destiny really exists. You and your team have been preparing for a long time, and you finally get on your adventure today. You got off near the entrance of the Amazon forest. The local guide said that the forest is dangerous, which is not somewhere that should be staying for long. He will drive back to pick you up in 35 minutes, and you’ll be on your own if you are late for the collection time.

Over the years, countless adventurers have tried to find this Golden City which is said to be located somewhere in the Amazon forest. Unfortunately, they’ve either returned in vain or gone missing. Will you be another team that is lost…or the first team to discover the secrets of the lost city of gold?


16世紀初,有一個以南美秘魯為中心的古老帝國,稱為印加帝國。在西班牙航海家的傳說中,印加的安第斯山脈中有許多失落的黃金城,其中最著名的要數帝都瑪諾阿。黃金對於印加人而言非常神聖,是美麗且偉大的產物;黃金不僅是榮耀的象徵,更是讚頌神祇的必須品。印加帝國在當時非常強盛,帝都城內所有的宮殿和神殿都是使用大量的金和銀建成,且埋藏著堆積如山的金銀財寶。帝國能夠如此富庶,全賴 9 塊受神祇庇佑的黃金石板,而這項神秘的寶藏正正是收藏在瑪諾阿城之內。據說得到黃金石板的國家,都能在一夜之間變得富強。然而,印加帝國終究亦因為這些財富而惹來了戰爭,導致了滅亡,黃金城亦隨之失落。


你一直醉心研究古印加文明,一直深信那足以改變命運的黃金寶藏真實存在,你與你的探險隊籌備已久,今天終於踏上了冒險之旅。你們在亞馬遜森林的入口附近下了車,當地導遊表示森林凶險,不宜久留,他會在 35 分鐘後開車回來接你們,逾時不候。



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