LOST has always creating different gaming experience for everyone. Now escape game can be challenged via online at anytime, anywhere. You could form your team and take the challenge via our Virtual Escape. Participants can make an appointment through our website, and they will receive a link to enter the virtual escape room. A host from LOST will lead the challengers through the entire game, each virtual escape room can accommodate 4 to 8 people. There are currently 5 different themed room and game duration is 45 minutes. Throughout the 360 degrees vision, you can zoom in or zoom out to observe your surrounding environment, so you could find the clues and solve puzzles with your teammates. The host may also interact with you during the game.
The virtual escape game is suitable for all types of challengers. Different themes have different levels of difficulty. Some are kids-friendly, and some are great for company online team building. During the escape game, you may experience the 16C elements and we wish every challenger has the takeaway. The 16C includes: Calm, Challenge, Change, Cheat, Coach, Command, Communication, Confess, Confidence, Conflict, Consideration, Control, Cooperation, Courage, Creativity, Curiosity.
In addition, any kind of brands can also demonstrate their brand message through our virtual escape games, as a result to bring out awareness, popularity, exposure, and market effects.
Please feel free to contact us for enquiry! LOST, more than just escape games.
LOST 一直為大家創造不同的遊戲體驗,現在密室遊戲體驗不再受地域限制,隨時隨地可以相約好友進行線上大對決!參與者可以透過我們網站預約,之後會收到進入虛擬密室的連結,LOST主持人會帶領各位挑戰者整個遊戲環節,每個虛擬密室可容納四至八人,目前有五個不同的主題,遊戲時間為45分鐘。透過線上連結的密室房間你可以從360鏡頭拉近拉遠觀察附近周圍環境,從而尋找線索,與隊友偵破謎題,主持人還會製造氣氛,與你們互動增加歡樂氣氛!
虛擬密室遊戲體驗適合各類型挑戰者參與,不同的主題有不同的難度,既可以輕鬆玩,也可以舉行公司線上團隊活動,亦適合親子遊戲,發揮小朋友小宇宙。遊戲過程當中主動誘發挑戰者的16C元素,讓大家有所得著,16C包括: Calm 冷靜 / Challenge 挑戰 / Change 應變 / Cheat 作弊 / Coach 領導 / Command 指令 / Communication 溝通 / Confess 坦誠 / Confidence 自信 / Conflict 衝突 / Consideration 考慮 / Control 控制 / Cooperation 合作 / Courage 勇氣 / Creativity 創意 / Curiosity 好奇。
Level6 唐七樓
There is a secret about LOST… The full name of LOST is Lost Operations Special Training. The LOST building is an advanced agent training facility in disguise for training LOST Agents. There is information of an Elevator in LEVEL 6 of the LOST building that can take you to the LOST headquarter hidden inside this LOST building.
You are now going to find out where this Elevator will really take you……
玩家們,讓我告訴你一個關於迷之密失的秘密…LOST 的全寫其實是 LOST OPERATIONS SPECIAL TRAINING (高級特工訓練計劃)。而 LOST BUILDING 是一所由BOSS為計劃建造的特殊訓練場。但要到達訓練基地並不簡單……
你必須在升降機LEVEL 6內找出有用的資料,因為只有它可以幫助你直達LOST基地。這次過關除了具備細心觀察力外,敏捷的身手也是必須的。

The Walled City 九龍寨城
You are very interested in the history of Hong Kong, and you are especially interested in studying the Walled City of Kowloon. You learned that the ancestors of the “King of Kowloon” Tsang Tsou Choi had been given the deed of the Kowloon City by the Qing emperor. However, during the Second World War, the ancestors of the Tsang family hid the deed of land in their residence. Unfortunately, there was a great fire that broke out and the deed was lost and its whereabouts were unknown ever since.
One day, when you went to the Kowloon Walled City, the weather suddenly changed. A lightning bolt stuck you and brought you back to the hour before the clearance of the Kowloon Walled City. You found that you were sent back to the Tsang’s residence. You must now find the deed before the fire burns down the whole building and escape. Do you have what it takes to rewrite history and become the King of Kowloon?
Stolen 掠奪
On March 18, 1990, 13 works of art valued at USD500 million were stolen from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston . Despite efforts by the Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) and multiple probes around the world no arrests have been made and no works have been recovered. Now, we would like you guys to team up, replay the scene, and see if you can solve the case…

Atlantis 亞特蘭提斯
Atlantis disappeared in the ocean more than 10,000 years ago, one of the most mysterious nations.
Archaeologists have found that this might be a true history in our planet but the mystery has not yet been solved. Now we are going to enter this mysterious nation to start an adventure and find out the truth……
在一萬多年前消失在浩瀚海洋裡的亞特蘭提斯 (Atlantis)是最令人著迷的古代文明,現代考察發現,地球上或許真的存在過這樣一片高度文明的神秘國度,然而這個謎底還未被解開,今天就要大家進入這個神秘國度展開冒險之旅……
Aokigahara 青木ヶ原
Aokigahara is extremely infamous in Japan. It is a dense forest at the base of Mt.Fuji. The navigational tools are disrupted from the magnetic fields caused by Mount Fuji. During your way to Mount Fuji, you strayed into Aokigahara. Running out of ration and resources, you start to lose hope of escaping this forest. Fortunately, you only have 45-minutes to reach them before they leave the forest.