In 1885, the famous Russian jewelry craftsman Peter Karl Faberge created a series of ornaments for the Russia Royal Family, all of which are made from precious metals, enamel and gems. Some of them has been lost over time. All It is said these ornaments can only be owned by the Russian Royal Family because they contain secrets of their bloodline. During the First World War, all countries tried their best to gain control in the war. The British Intelligence Agency has received reliable information that one of the ornaments was in Britain. Therefore, the British Intelligence Agency contacted the Sherlock Holmes to track down the ornament. Sherlock located the ornament whereabout quickly, and it was time to secure the item. On that morning, Sherlock left his apartment and then suddenly lost contact. The British Intelligence Agency decided to dispatch more agents to secure the ornament at any cost and disregard the disappearance of Sherlock. You, Dr. Watson, Sherlock’s right-hand man and best friend, are convinced that Sherlock would never just disappear and fail his task. He always leaves a clue on his case in the event of an emergency. You decide to find the ornament and save Sherlock. The British Intelligence Agency agent would arrive in 45 minutes. Will you able to complete the mission before they arrive?
1885年,俄羅斯著名珠寶首飾工匠彼得·卡爾·法貝熱為皇室家族設計了一批寶物,全部是由珍貴的金屬加上琺瑯與寶石來裝嵌而成,經過百多年後有部份已經下落不明。據說,其中一個寶物內暗藏俄羅斯皇室血脈秘密,只能由皇室成員擁有。在一戰其間,各國也用盡方法在戰爭中得到控制權。英國情報局得到可靠消息,其中那個暗藏皇室秘密的寶物出現在英國。因此英國情報局委托福爾摩斯追查。 福爾摩斯追查進度一直順利,已經鎖定寶物之所在地,尚差最後一步,就可以完成任務。突然,英國情報局跟福爾摩斯失去聯絡,只知道福爾摩斯的最後線索是這間商店。英國情報局將會派出特工去尋找寶物,而他們並不關心福爾摩斯去向!