LOST Studio is a creative hub where both children and adults can design and build their own escape games, tapping into their imagination and problem-solving skills. At LOST Studio, we believe in unlocking the hidden potential of every child by encouraging them to think critically, collaborate, and innovate. Whether it’s crafting intricate puzzles or creating immersive narratives, our platform empowers young minds to develop their own unique escape games. With the tools and guidance provided, they can transform their ideas into engaging experiences that challenge players of all ages.

In addition to this virtual creativity, we are exploring opportunities to physicalise these creations in our actual LOST branches. This means your escape game could come to life, giving creators the chance to see their vision played out in a real-world environment. It’s not just about creating a game—it’s about realising the dream of seeing it played and enjoyed by others. LOST Studio offers a unique platform where creativity meets opportunity, inspiring the next generation of escape room designers to make their mark in this evolving world of immersive entertainment.

LOST Studio 是一個充滿創意的空間,供兒童和成人設計和打造屬於自己的密室逃脫遊戲,激發他們的想像力和解決問題的能力。在 LOST Studio,我們相信每個孩子都擁有潛在的巨大能力,透過鼓勵他們批判性思考、合作和創新,我們幫助他們發現自己的潛力。無論是設計複雜的謎題,或是創造身臨其境的故事情節,我們的平台都賦予孩子們創作獨一無二的密室逃脫遊戲的力量。在這裡,他們可以將自己的想法轉化為令人興奮的遊戲體驗,挑戰各年齡層的玩家。
不僅如此,我們還在探索機會,將這些虛擬創作實現在我們的 LOST 線下門市。這意味著您的密室逃脫遊戲有機會在現實中被還原,創作者可以親眼見證自己的創意被他人體驗並享受。這裡不僅僅是設計一個遊戲,而是讓夢想成真——讓您的作品在真實世界中被呈現和體驗。 LOST Studio 提供了一個獨特的平台,創意與機會在此碰撞,激勵下一代密室設計師在這個不斷發展的沉浸式娛樂世界中留下自己的印記。